Fidulis Bio Incorporation has its presence in more than 30 countries. With established presence in South East Asia and Africa and growing presence in other markets, Fiduli Bio Incorporation is making a mark in the global pharmaceutical market with its innovative healthcare products.
FBI offers years of experience in developing strategic international partnerships. FBI aims to work as closely as possible with its International partners with daily contact and regular visits to respective markets by our International Business Executives.
FBI ensures timely and regular supply of its products anywhere in the world with its highly skilled production and logistics team.
FBI has an efficient regulatory team responsible for pharmaceutical export registrations world-wide.
FBI has been recognized as “Export House” and awarded “Certificate of Recognition” by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Office of the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade.
International Office:- Level 1, 139 Macquarie St., Sydney, NSW 2000, PO Box R1784, Royal Exchange NSW 1225, Australia.
Ph : +2 42951789